Just a hello

Just another day of fur, food, yarn and gardening, just maybe not in that order.

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Monday, June 21, 2010

Baked Chicken Meatballs

As a lot of people do, I follow several blogs that show recipes, knitting, gardening etc.  Well I stumbled upon a blog that had a recipe for Chicken Meatballs that were baked and being a lover of a good meatball although usually made from soy, I had to try these, the original recipe was from Gourmet Magazine, but as I've kinda switched it around a bit, I guess it's no longer there's but mine eh?

This original recipe makes enough for about 4 servings, but I usually double the recipe and freeze the remainders.  They defrost very well for later use.


3 slices Italian bread, torn into small pieces, about a cup.
1/3 cup milk, heavy cream also works well.
3 oz turkey bacon chopped up into small bits(or if you eat pork, pancetta or Canadian bacon would work too).
1 small onion, finally chopped
1clove garlic, minced
2 TBLS extra-virgin olive oil, divided
1 large egg
1 LB ground chicken
2 TBLS tomato paste, divided (I do this to taste and use more)
3 TBLS finely chopped flat-leaf parsley

Preheat oven to 400 degrees with a rack in the upper third of the oven, Soak bread in milk in a small bowl until softened, about four minutes.

Cook turkey bacon, onion, and garlic in one tablespoon oil with 1/2 tsp each of salt and pepper in a large skillet over medium heat till softened and bacon is cooked through. 

Squeeze bread to remove excess milk.  Crack egg into large bowl, beat lightly, then combine with ground chicken, 1 TBLS tomato paste, bacon mixture, bread and parsley.  Wet hands and roll meatballs, makes about 12.  Arrange on 9x13 sheet pan lightly covered in olive oil.

Still together remaining tomato paste, I tend to add remains of tomato paste can and mix with remaining olive oil, smoosh onto top of meatballs.  More is better right?  Bake uncovered about 15-20 minutes.

They make great meatball heros or just good old meatballs with pasta. 
Hope you enjoy. It really works well if you have to cook meals ahead as I do.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Crocheted Coasters

I haven't crocheted in years.  I haven't really had much need to with the exception of finishes on different knitting projects and a couple crazy casting-on techniques that require a crocheted chain. That seems all to change though.

I read several knitting blogs and usually they don't intertwine with crocheting but this one did.  I'm about ready to run out and buy pretty bright cottons to make these.

They are crocheted with a 3.5 hook and can you deny they just scream summer drinks on the patio?

There are many patterns and tutorials for the simple circles that are made here, but here's the formula for these. You alternate one round per color of two colors, then added a contrasting edging.

(Assume that when dc is written dc here the first dc in each round is actually a ch3 )
Create a loop with the yarn and work 12 single crochets into it.
Next round: 2dc into each of the 12. (24 sts)
Next round: (2dc into first st, 1dc into next st.) to end of round. (36 sts)
Next round: (2dc into first st, 1dc into next 2 sts.) to end of round. (48 sts)
Next round: (2dc into first st, 1dc into next 3 sts.) to end of round. (60 sts)
Etc. to the size you want.

I have a feeling I'll be running out soon to find some pretty cottons to make these cute and quick little coasters. The woman who crocheted the coasters was also a part of  potholder trade for 2010.  Check out her fun designs.  Do I really wanna crochet again?  You bet I do.

Besides, what else you gonna do while the rain falls outside, and these are as portable as knitting socks?
Pattern: Potholders by Bea Aarebrot

Happy Crocheting. 

Monday, June 14, 2010

World Wide Knit in Public Day June 12th, 2010

I had on my mind that I wasn't going to miss out on the World Wide Knit in Public Day this year.  I had contacted some other fellow knitters after Nancy, who owns Renaissance Yarns posted it on Facebook.  I was the only knitter from my group but I decided I was going to take part anyways. The purpose was of course to get as many people in the world knitting at the same time.  I saw postings from Poland, from France and from all around the US.   I know it's not contributing to world peace, or to cleaning up the environment, but I still wanted to take part for the fun of it.

So I got up early and onto the road planning on being there a maximum of 2 hours. I thought, heck, that's enough. The sun was shining, the temperature comfortable, I was caffinated and ready to go. I ended up having such a good time, I was there over that and then had to speed home to get ready for work. The Kent Station was buzzing, there were 4 graduations going on at the Showare Center and a Health and Wellness Fair at the Kent Station also and they were preparing for the screening calls for the tv show, The Bachelor., yes, I know, all in Kent, who knew?

The people from the community that were knitting had so many different projects to knit it was incredible. The young girl with the long dark hair you see in the stripped tank top was to be married next Saturday and had knitted her whole bouquet of Calla Lilly and then had felted them.  She had also crocheted garters for all the brides maids.  She works at Renaissance or has in the past, she's a really creative and talented knitter.  I wished I'd written down her blog. A lot of the ladies were working on lace, I for one, am not into it, I'm too easily distracted then there goes the whole project.

There were spinners there too, although this was a knitting event, but heck, who am I to tell them they're out on the wrong day eh? I have been a spinner too now for a while, and so it's kind of neat to see others doing it too and what there fibers look like and find out the skinny on where to get the best deals.

This lady was there knitting while her toddler was playing in the circle of all of our chairs.  He played nicely the whole time, he must be an awfully good little boy to let his mom work on lace and not mess it up.

This is one of the gentleman who teaches classes at Renaissance, he was a hoot.  He was knitting animals that were made just like balloon animals.  All in a bit long string of links that you twist into animals.  He had several that he shared with us all.  Fun, but not my cup of tea. He is also a sock knitter that has created a contraption I'd call it, to knit 7 pairs of socks at once, why?  I'm unsure, but like I said, who am I to question.

There were hourly drawing for beautiful yarn, kits, and notions.  That's Nancy, the owner of Renaissance.
And these were my projects I had taken along to work on, socks, socks, socks.

I had such a fun time, I really wished I'd been able to stay the entire day.  I hope to take part next year and bring along a few of my knitting friends, and maybe not just plain vanilla socks as my project.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Garden Day..or so I thought.

Today was the day I broke my back for, yesterday I spent many hours preparing my garden spot for good friend Todd to come rototill up for me.  I set my alarm, which I never do any more, and got up bright and early, that is, for me.  I should of known today wasn't going to go as planned when the espresso maker refused to give me any espresso, forcing me to buy some from a roadside stand on my way to Todd's place.  The idea was I would accompany him over to Enumclaw to pick up the rototiller that was at his brother's home and then we'd drive to my place and get it done.  That's when the rain began and kept up, all the way there.
I had so much dirt to turn, pulling weeds and yanking up roots and really just breaking open the soil for this years garden.

Found carrots still left from last year, but decided they would be better left for the rabbits that roam the yard.

This was the biggest garden I'd ever had, as I decided to add another section that was about 1/3 the size of the previous garden, meaning lots of ground that had never been broken up before. This year the ground is so fertile, with loads of night crawlers and even a garden snake, whom I named slick, although he's quite the fattened snake, and not very slick at all....he stayed amongst the onions to remain out of my way.

  The blackberry roots, tree roots, grass and weeds all about had the best of me, my back telling me that I wasn't as young or fit as I used to be either, also needing more breaks then I used to take.
I decided all in all though, it was ready for rototilling, of course, that's when the rain started to fall.  Oh well, maybe tomorrow, or the next day, or the next, hopefully the weeds won't reclaim it all.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

It was the Second week of the Renton Farmer's Market

What a great day at the Farmer's Market, so many flowers, fruit and vegetables, hand crafts, baked goods., and smiling faces.  Who doesn't love a relaxing day at the market?

I met this big Guy at the Mobile Max bus, a Humane Society bus that takes pets to meet potential new families, this guy was a big old cupcake.

This is Darell, he's one of my favorite vendor's.  He and his wife grow and sell tomatoes only at farmer's markets, all over the Puget Sound Area, their farm is in Maple Valley, they also make a great dehydrated tomato chip, well worth trying. 

Flowers, Flowers, flowers, I never get enough of them.

In a few more weeks there will be everything you can imagine, but for now, cherries and strawberries are the first fruit of the season, peas and asparagus, beets and onions soon to be followed by raspberries I hope.

Fresh honey, and fresh bread, baked goods, fresh foods to sample, home made pizzas, crepes, ice cream and truffles., you name it.  Always a great day at the market, the vendors all friendly and I spoke with a  master gardener today, seems the giant roots that I thought were from trees were left over from the English Ivy left behind by the last folks who owned our home.  Who knew?  So besides coming home with a shopping basket of fresh produce, I also learned something.  I'd say a day well spent.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Today is the day I start...

I've had this blog idea for almost a year, I'm just incredibly slow getting started.  I could never get my header photo centered as I wanted, so through frustration, I quit.

I hope that nobody finds my blog to boring, so for now, this is hello.