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Monday, June 21, 2010

Baked Chicken Meatballs

As a lot of people do, I follow several blogs that show recipes, knitting, gardening etc.  Well I stumbled upon a blog that had a recipe for Chicken Meatballs that were baked and being a lover of a good meatball although usually made from soy, I had to try these, the original recipe was from Gourmet Magazine, but as I've kinda switched it around a bit, I guess it's no longer there's but mine eh?

This original recipe makes enough for about 4 servings, but I usually double the recipe and freeze the remainders.  They defrost very well for later use.


3 slices Italian bread, torn into small pieces, about a cup.
1/3 cup milk, heavy cream also works well.
3 oz turkey bacon chopped up into small bits(or if you eat pork, pancetta or Canadian bacon would work too).
1 small onion, finally chopped
1clove garlic, minced
2 TBLS extra-virgin olive oil, divided
1 large egg
1 LB ground chicken
2 TBLS tomato paste, divided (I do this to taste and use more)
3 TBLS finely chopped flat-leaf parsley

Preheat oven to 400 degrees with a rack in the upper third of the oven, Soak bread in milk in a small bowl until softened, about four minutes.

Cook turkey bacon, onion, and garlic in one tablespoon oil with 1/2 tsp each of salt and pepper in a large skillet over medium heat till softened and bacon is cooked through. 

Squeeze bread to remove excess milk.  Crack egg into large bowl, beat lightly, then combine with ground chicken, 1 TBLS tomato paste, bacon mixture, bread and parsley.  Wet hands and roll meatballs, makes about 12.  Arrange on 9x13 sheet pan lightly covered in olive oil.

Still together remaining tomato paste, I tend to add remains of tomato paste can and mix with remaining olive oil, smoosh onto top of meatballs.  More is better right?  Bake uncovered about 15-20 minutes.

They make great meatball heros or just good old meatballs with pasta. 
Hope you enjoy. It really works well if you have to cook meals ahead as I do.

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